Iqbal’s Message to Youth


  • Dr Saqib Jawad Civil Judge Islamabad


Iqbal, youth, muslim, Khudi, analytical research


Allama Muhammad Iqbal is the one of the most intellectual, outstanding poet and jurist of the 
twentieth century. His thoughts and poetry continue to influence the people of twenty first 
century as well. His poetry and philosophy inspired millions of Muslims across the world. 
Muslims of the Sub-continent also woke up realizing their true identity. Iqbal was deeply 
concerned with Muslim youth. He was clear in his mind that youngsters have the power and 
capability to bring Muslims out of vulnerable condition through which Muslims of the world 
in general and Muslims of the Sub-continent in particular were passing through. After having 
a look at the characteristics of youth prescribed by Iqbal, it is unfortunate that we find 
ourselves detracted. Even our youth is not aware about the message of Iqbal given to them, 
whereas several scholars have given the title of “Mujaddid” to Iqbal. Therefore, we as a 
nation can rebuild our values by following his teachings and if we remained reluctant to 
follow the teachings of Iqbal and remained ignorant, then our future would be ruined. This 
paper highlights the importance of Iqbal’s message to youth and describes the main features 
which Iqbal wanted to be adopted by youth. Paper uses analytical research methodology 
aiming to make analysis of the current practice of youth with the teachings of Iqbal focusing 
on the deviation from those teachings. At the end, appropriate course would be suggested for 
youth on the basis of Iqbal’s message as their prosperity and success lies in following the 


