Integration of Allama Muhammad Iqbal's Philosophy and Teachings in Youth Education


  • Jihan Jaroudi Al-Madinah International University, Malaysia


Iqbal, selfhood, self-awareness, self-realization, philosophy


Iqbal's thoughts on reality and his epistemology are based on the rich metaphysical context of Islamic philosophy. These thoughts oppose the empiricist/inductivist analytical tradition, which has grown out of the West since the Renaissance. Iqbal saw this tradition as flawed and having reached an impasse because it had adopted the Aristotelian division of valid knowledge, which had led it to conceptualize valid knowledge as empirical. This research investigates the application and implementation of Allama Muhammad Iqbal's philosophy and teachings in youth education. It aims to discern the effectiveness of Iqbal's ideas through a theoretical framework that analyzes critical concepts in his philosophy for individual and state development. The research affirms Iqbal's philosophy's transformative potential in shaping the youth's education and development through synthesizing insights from theory practice and case studies. An individual's empowerment would begin from his faith to the awareness of his capabilities and potential, ultimately leading toward actualization. Since a modern Muslim state was not in existence during Iqbal's times, his concept is directed towards regenerating the Islamic community anywhere in the world. The study concludes that integrating the teachings liberates the Muslim mind from the chains of the present, rebuilding self-confidence, self-respect, and self-esteem by reasserting one's worth and capabilities.


