The Quranic Worldview: Complementarity in the Views of Iqbal and AbuSulayman

The Quranic Worldview: Complementarity in the Views of Iqbal and AbuSulayman


  • Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin, Ph.D. International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Muhammad Mumtaz Ali, Ph.D. International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak, Ph.D. International Islamic University Malaysia


AbdulHamid AbuSulayman, Iqbal, Quranic worldview, civilisation, Islam


The Quranic worldview shapes individuals' understanding of themselves, their comprehension of the purpose of existence, and their choices regarding conduct, aligning with both the laws of the cosmos and their innate human nature. Among the eminent Muslim thinkers who grappled with the decline of the Ummah and dedicated their lives to restoring the dignity of Muslims were Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) and AbdulHamid AbuSulayman (1936-2021). As luminaries within the Ummah, they exhibit distinctive traits in their thoughts, endeavors, and contributions, all centered on the axis of the Quranic worldview. This article employs descriptive, analytical, and critical methods to examine the guidance the Quranic worldview provides for humanity, as perceived by Iqbal and AbuSulayman. Subsequently, it conducts an analysis of the core principles encapsulated within this worldview. This study delves into a discourse on how their views mutually complement each other, aiming to guide society towards constructing a wholesome civilization. Among the key findings of the study is the emphasis placed by both scholars on the necessity of cultivating a worldview grounded in a true and authentic source of knowledge, namely, the Quran. Additionally, the study observes that AbuSulayman has effectively attempted to implement some of the major theoretical frameworks proposed by Iqbal.


